Upcoming Rituals

I regularly hold space in Ceremony and Yoga Rituals to create sacred space for community and selfhealing through plant medicine, sacred song and drum meditation.

30-Day Cacao Dieta (online)
bis 17. Apr.

30-Day Cacao Dieta (online)

Dieta with Mama Cacao

The Cacao Plant is a medicine that awakens your embodied senses and connects you deeply to your heart learning you the art of seeing through eyes of unconditional love. This beautiful plant guides us in our healing journey to deeply connect to your true essence. Cacao works gentle and sometimes strong on your body, mind and heart, rebalancing your energies to restore the body to its natural state. As we open up our heart chakra we can find support during times of stress, depression, or overwhelm.

The wisdom of this dieta has been passed down to me by a Brazilian friend who has been rediscovering her indigeneous roots. This dieta is practiced during 30 days, a time long enough to allow us to dive deep into our relationship with the Cacao tree and her spirit. Through connecting to her every day, we open up to her and find a mirror of our heart’s condition. Every day we prepare, drink and connect to her spirit and give space to the relationship in individual ways. Like that, we cocreate space to turn inward and devote to healing our selflove. In order to honor this sacred relationship with this plant teacher, we abstain from many external inputs and interpersonal closeness such as sex and eat a vegan diet.

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Full Moon Cacao Circle (online)

Full Moon Cacao Circle (online)

Join us for a sacred online gathering on the Cold full moon in Gemini, set to take place on Sunday the 15th of December 8.15pm CET. On this magical evening we will gather with our favorite cup of medicine, recommending ceremonial Cacao*, but you can also join with your favorite herbal or flower tea. We will begin the journey with a heart-opening meditation and drum journey, inviting us to connect deeply with the medicine, ourselves and each other.

As we sip our cacao, we’ll gather in a nurturing sharing circle, providing a safe space for everyone to express their thoughts and emotions. Following this, we’ll embark on a soothing meditation to align our energies with the moon’s illuminating light. The energy of the Cold Moon is calm and introspective, inviting us to reflect on our journey over the past year and to release what no longer serves us. This is a time for closure, letting go of old habits or beliefs that have outlived their purpose. The Cold Moon teaches us that in the stillness of winter, we find clarity, renewal and the seeds of new beginnings.

To end our journey, we’ll engage in an intuitive card reading session, offering insights and guidance for the lunar cycle ahead. Embrace this opportunity to connect with like-minded souls and tap into the transformative energy of this magical full moon. Reserve your spot today and let the healing begin!

Ayni (Energy exchange): 25CHF low income / 30CHF normal price / 35CHF support

* I highly recommend you to get the Cacao from my favorite source: https://sumak-kawsay.ch/

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Yoga from Afar (online)

Yoga from Afar (online)

Since from time to time I travel abroad for a few months, I also offer online classes - in groups as well as 1:1. From November 2024 to March 2025 I will be traveling to Peru again and will be offering an online yoga class once a week during this period. We practice a different element every week (Earth (Prithvi) · Water (Jala) · Fire (Tejas) · Air (Vayu) · Space or Ether (Akasa). Feel free to get in touch for more information and the zoom link!

At the moment classes are held mostly on tuesday or friday evenings CET time.

Join the next class by reaching out and / or joining our whatsapp group.

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Yoga from Afar (online)

Yoga from Afar (online)

Since from time to time I travel abroad for a few months, I also offer online classes - in groups as well as 1:1. From November 2024 to March 2025 I will be traveling to Peru again and will be offering an online yoga class once a week during this period. We practice a different element every week (Earth (Prithvi) · Water (Jala) · Fire (Tejas) · Air (Vayu) · Space or Ether (Akasa). Feel free to get in touch for more information and the zoom link!

At the moment classes are held mostly on tuesday or friday evenings CET time.

Join the next class by reaching out and / or joining our whatsapp group.

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Eine sanfte Reise ins Herz - mit Yin Yang Yoga & Kakao

Eine sanfte Reise ins Herz - mit Yin Yang Yoga & Kakao

An diesem herbstlichen Sonntagabend lade ich dich auf eine sanfte Reise in dein Zuhause im Herz ein - Mithilfe der Kraft der Heilpflanze Kakao.

Unsere herzöffnende Yogapraxis wird vertieft durch ein Ritual mit einem frisch zubereiteten Trank aus zeremoniellem Kakao. In einer sanften Yin & Yang Yogareise tauchen wir ein in unseren Herzraum, wo wir uns wieder zuhause fühlen dürfen. Tief genährt, verbinden wir uns zur Abrundung des Rituals mit der heilenden Kraft unserer Stimme. Der Abend wird von Eleni's erdendem Gesang begleitet.

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Plant Medicine Ceremony w/ Cacao & Amanita
bis 28. Sept.

Plant Medicine Ceremony w/ Cacao & Amanita

Jetzt, wo der Sommer langsam in sein Spätstadium eintritt und die Nächte länger werden, bin ich geehrt, den Heilraum von A𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐚 M𝐮𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚 (Fliegenpilz) zu öffnen.

Am 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐠, 𝟐𝟕. 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 werde ich eine Gruppenzeremonie mit 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐨 𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚 (sanfte Dosis) am magischen Ort des 𝐋𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐬 in Sternenberg/ZH durchführen.

Wir kommen zusammen als Familie mit der gemeinsamen Intention, die Verbindung zu unserem inneren Selbst und unseren tiefsten Träumen zu vertiefen. Wir werden in einen Traumraum eintauchen, um die innersten Visionen unserer Seele zu erforschen. Unterstützt durch die stark-sanfte Medizin des Kakaos sowie die Magie der Amanita Muscaria treten wir ein in einen Prozess tiefer schamanischer Trommelmeditation, die uns nach Innen führt, um uns mit Stimme und Bewegung nach aussen hin zu öffnen.

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Mondsingen mit Noelle & Eleni

Mondsingen mit Noelle & Eleni

Einladung zum Mondsingen mit Kakao & Blauem Lotus

Der Vollmond steht für Erfüllung, Loslassen und innere Klarheit. In seinem Licht spüren wir den Ruf der Natur, Altes loszulassen und uns für Neues zu öffnen. Mit dem Übergang in die dunklere Jahreszeit sind wir einmal mehr angehalten, langsam zu werden – und bewusst hinzuhören.

Aus der Intention heraus, diese zyklischen Bewegungen zu ehren und in Gemeinschaft zu bezeugen, freuen wir uns sehr, euch am Sonntag, 22. September 2024 erstmals zum gemeinsamen Mondsingen einzuladen. Getragen von Mantren und Medizinliedern aus aller Welt, öffnen wir einen Raum, um die eigene Stimme zu ergründen, zuzuhören und ihrer ganz individuellen Essenz Ausdruck zu verleihen. Für den Vollmond im Zeichen Fische gehen wir mit dem Element Wasser als reinigende, klärende Kraft in Verbindung - und werden dabei stellvertretend vom blauen Lotus begleitet, der im Kakao individuell dosiert werden kann (optional).

Als Lichtbringerin und Blume der Erleuchtung gefeiert, diente der blaue Lotus im alten Ägypten als eine der wichtigsten rituellen Pflanzen überhaupt. Ihre Wirkung ist beruhigend und euphorisierend; sie bewegt stagnierende Energien und ermöglicht tiefe Einblicke in unser Selbst. Zeremonieller Kakao schenkt uns den Boden und das offene Herz, diese Medizin zu empfangen und in unser gemeinsames Musizieren miteinzuweben.

Come as you are! Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse nötig, nur Offenheit und Neugierde, sich und die Stimme in der Gruppe neu zu erleben. Weitere Instrumente sind herzlich Willkommen.

Wir freuen uns auf DICH!

Noelle und Eleni

Anmeldung: 079 761 04 64
Ayni: 60-85CHF (sliding price)

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New Moon Ceremony w/ Cacao, Yin Yoga & Heart Songs

New Moon Ceremony w/ Cacao, Yin Yoga & Heart Songs

In the dark radiance of the New Moon in Virgo we gather together in sacred space for a magical New Moon Ceremony with the medicine of Cacao, Yin Yoga and Songs of the Heart.

Supported by the sweet and fierce medicine of Cacao we travel through a yin yoga journey accompanied by live music and deep shamanic drum meditation ending with a circle of medicine songs. The ceremony is held in a beautiful space in Winterthur at Yoga

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Medicine Temazcal w/ Nicolas, Kasandra & Eleni

Medicine Temazcal w/ Nicolas, Kasandra & Eleni

Next 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟓 Nicolas, Kasi and I are opening together a prayer for humanity with the opportunity for deep emotional introspection and transformation, allowing us breakthroughs, and the potential to release past emotional baggage.

In this way we would like to extend the invitation to join our next 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐜𝐚𝐥 (𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐨𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐬) gathering in Zurich,Höngg.

Let’s come together to celebrate, sing, pray, heal and raise together as human race for the change of our world and the raise up of our frequencies.

The temazcal will start at 11:00 and were finishing around 17:00

🔸 Suggested Contribution 100-150

🕚 Please arrive at 11h

🔥 We enter at 12:30

💧 Don't forget to bring plenty of water.

🥁 Bring your Instruments

🍏 Bring fruits, food to share, and your loving presence.

👸🏼women please bring a long light dress

Looking forward to a day filled with connection, healing, and love. See you there! 🤍🙏

Please ask for any Questions!! Wür mir freue, dich debi zha! Eleni

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Full Moon Cacao Ceremony & Yin Yoga

Full Moon Cacao Ceremony & Yin Yoga

We gather together in sacred space for a magical Full Moon Ceremony with the medicine of Cacao, Yin Yoga and Medicine Songs. As Full moons are primal wildcards, we gather to find a space of rest, pause and reflection. Supported by the sweet and fierce medicine of Cacao we travel through a yin yoga journey accompanied by live music and deep shamanic drum meditation ending with a circle of medicine songs. The ceremony is held in a beautiful intimate space in Winterthur at Stadtlichtung. Limited spots available (max. 15 people).

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Rapé & Cacao Circle w/ Mathias & Eleni

Rapé & Cacao Circle w/ Mathias & Eleni

Am Freitag, den 5. Juli, öffne ich zusammen mit meinem guten Freund Mathias einen wunderschönen Raum für einen Rapé & Cacao Circle! Ich freue mich sehr, diese Ko-Kreation, die in Peru ihre Wurzeln hatte, bekannt zu geben.
Die 5-stündige Zeremonie findet im Winterthur @Bäumlisaal statt und beginnt um 17:30 Uhr. Es ist eine wunderbare Gelegenheit, auch als Neuling mit der Medizin von Rapé in Kontakt zu kommen! Weitere Informationen findet Ihr nachfolgend oder kontaktiere mich direkt.
Es wird eine wunderbare Verschmelzung männlicher und weiblicher Energie sein, begleitet von der Medizin des Gesangs! 🐉
Begleite uns auf eine Reise in die tiefe Verbindung, Klarheit und Erkenntnis. Geführt durch die Medizinen des Rapé und Sananga öffnen wir einen Raum der Selbstheilung und inneren Ausrichtung. Getragen von Liedern der Yawanawa Tribes aus Brasilien und anderen - auch heimischen - Herzensliedern tauchen wir ein in die Transformation unseres Selbst. Altes darf weichen, Neues darf entstehen.
Von der Verbindung mit der männlichen Kraft der Klarheit und der Fokussierung fliessen wir zum Schluss mit der Unterstützung der Heilpflanze Cacao ins Weibliche hinein. In der Öffnung, Fülle und Weichheit verbinden wir uns in der Ganzheit unseres Selbst und öffnen uns mit unseren Stimmen in den Kreis der Familie.

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Cacao Ceremony Basel

Cacao Ceremony Basel

This ceremonial evening is about gathering together as a family with the collective intention to come home to the heart. We will dive into our heart spaces to truly connect with our heart’s wisdom. Supported by the sweet and fierce medicine of Cacao we journey through a process of deep shamanic drum meditation flowing into a state of connection and community. Together we sit, sing, move, laugh and cry, creating a bubble of love charged with support and understanding. The ceremony is held in a beautiful intimate space in Basel at Güterstrasse 108.

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Yin Yoga meets Thai Yoga Massage

Yin Yoga meets Thai Yoga Massage


When two paths of mindfulness cross and find eachother...

In this 2.5 hour evening special we dive into an experience of a Yin yoga sequence combined with elements of Thai yoga massage.

During the Yin Yoga practice led by Eleni, Donika supports the poses with mindful touch and massage technique to deepen relaxation. We travel together from movement and touch in the outside, into the inside perception and experience within our own bodies.

The workshop is for everyone who is interested in interactive relaxation, is curious about touch and would like to experience mindful body awareness in a variety of ways.

Eleni (500 YTT) teaches at yogamoves, offers massages at Studio Schulgasse and works with plant medicines. Donika offers yoga specials, workshops and massages in Thai yoga bodywork and mindfulness in various studios.

We are happy to find our paths cross and find each other in this shared space.

register through yogamoves Winterthur: https://www.yoga-moves.ch/news-uebersicht/yin-yoga-meets-thai-yoga-massage

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Yin Yoga mit Kakao Ritual

Yin Yoga mit Kakao Ritual

An diesem Sonntagabend lade ich dich auf eine sanfte Reise in deinen Herzraum ein - Mithilfe der Kraft der Heilpflanze Kakao.

Unsere herzöffnende Yogapraxis wird vertieft durch ein Ritual mit einem frisch zubereiteten Trank aus zeremoniellem Kakao. In einer sanften Yin & Yang Yogareise tauchen wir ein in unseren Herzraum und öffnen uns der Verbindung zum Miteinander Sein durch die heilende Kraft des gemeinsamen Singens.

Kakao ist eine alte Meisterpflanze, die ihren Weg von Mittel- und Südamerika zu uns in den Stadtjungel gefunden hat, um uns in dieser schnell drehenden und oft getrennten Welt wieder näher zu uns selbst zu führen. Sie birgt das Potenzial für tiefe Einsicht und Heilung als Medizin des Herzens und lehrt uns, wieder auf unsere Intuition zu hören. Es ist kein Zufall, dass diese wunderbare Heilpflanze genau in dieser turbulenten Zeit des Bewusstseinswandels ihre Arme rund um den Erball legt. Sie nimmt uns bei der Hand und zeigt uns den Weg der Liebe. Sie nimmt uns mit in die Tiefen von Mutter Erde, damit wir unsere Wurzeln spüren. Sie erweicht unsere Herzen, damit sich mehr Liebe und Mitgefühl für andere und uns selbst ausbreiten darf.

Das Special findet im Studio yogamoves in Winterthur statt.

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 Heart Medicine Cacao Ceremony

Heart Medicine Cacao Ceremony

Hola familia
After several months of traveling back to my spiritual home in the jungle and mountains of Peru, I am bringing my medicine back to my beautiful hometown in Switzerland. On May 24th I am opening a deep heart space to the medicine of cacao to reconnect with our hearts and community.
This ceremonial evening is about gathering together as a family with the collective intention to come home to the heart. We will dive into our heart spaces to truly connect with our heart’s wisdom. Supported by the sweet and fierce medicine of Cacao as well as Rose we go through a process of deep shamanic drum meditation flowing into a state of connection and community. Together we sit, sing, move, laugh and cry, creating a bubble of Love charged with support and understanding. The ceremony is held at the Bäumli Saal Winterthur.
Ceremonial Cacao is a medicine that awakens your senses and connects you deeply to your heart whilst we dance in celebration, together shifting into a higher frequency of unconditional love. This beautiful plant guides us in our healing journey to deeply connect to your true essence and others around you. Cacao works gentle on your body, mind and heart, rebalancing your energies to restore the body to its natural state. Rose medicine is mildly astringent and supports the emotional heart during times of stress, depression, or overwhelm.

Energy Exchange: 50-65CHF
(sliding price depending on personal assessment)

Registration through DM · eleni.gaggini@zhdk.ch · 0797610464

The ceremony will take place in the Bäumli Saal of the Bäumligemeinschaft at Rychenbergstrasse 179, 8400 Winterthur. By bus to Bäumliweg line 10.

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Retreat with Grandfather and Mama Cacao
bis 20. Mai

Retreat with Grandfather and Mama Cacao

I would like to introduce you to a 4-day-retreat with abuelito huachuma (san pedro) and mama cacao, both plant teachers i have been working with intensely in the last years. The space will be held by me and my dear friend, musician and spaceholder Ohad Yehiel who has roots in Israel, and has been living in Peru for the last few years, where we met. I am grateful to be able to bring him to my homeland where we will cocreate the space together in the name of peace and love. As promised you find more information in the following.
Our intention for this gathering is to create a space of deep healing in a time of very fast changes. We have entered a portal, into the year of the dragon, a time of deep transformation. Thanks to the medicines of the plants, of purification and the medicine of being in sacred family in a place in nature we are in an optimal space of collectively and individually engaging with this process. 

🌵The cactus, which grows in South America and has been worked with in healing and spiritual practices for thousands of years, is a medicine that facilitates connection with the Ancestors and the Earth (Pachamama) through opening our heart space. We will start the ceremonial space in a teepee by night, uniting as family in a circle through intention, prayer and song. After a day of purification integration and rest, we will meet grandfather again by day, where we have time to listen and connect to nature spirits in our own individual way. Your guide through the world of this gentle and powerful plant spirit will be Ohad, who will be our space holder in both huachuma ceremonies, guiding us into the space of the grandfather who teaches us the art and power of connection and prayer.

🌵To close and integrate our first plant ceremony we will go through a process of purification in a traditional Sweatlodge ceremony in the following morning. The sweatlodge is held by a dear friend of the owner of the land we are hosted on. The sweatlodge represents the womb of our mother earth, where we return for the process of a rebirth. In a traditional structure of sweat and song, we get the chance to shed negative experiences, ancestral trauma and energies that no longer serve our newly born selves.

♥️ Mama Cacao helps us integrate our experiences and encounters with spirit in the morning of the last day, where we gather in a circle to honor pachamama, our mother earth, the place where we as light beings, as starchildren have been sent to for a purpose. To gather as human beings, cocreating a new world vision of peace and love. The ritual will be held by Eleni Maria Roja, a spaceholder and artist rooted in Switzerland and learning to weave with spirit since several years in Peru, and will be closed with an integration circle. There will be the chance for 1:1 integration with either Ohad or Eleni after the closing brunch, if desired. Also we will offer 1:1 integration calls later on.

♥️ Finally, coming together as an intimate tribe of max. 20 people for such intense experiences is a medicine by its own. We get to know eachother in a vulnerable space where we have the chance to show our whole Selves in community shining our full light. 

In any way we are looking forward to a lot of magic and beauty happening in these few days together. Please let me know if you here the call, as spaces are limited!

Please contact me for more information.

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Imbolc Cacao Ceremony w/ Amanita Muscaria Microdose

Imbolc Cacao Ceremony w/ Amanita Muscaria Microdose

***Beautiful Plant Medicine tribe***

On Friday Evening of December 26th I am opening once more a deep healing and dream space to the medicine of cacao, amanita muscaria and community.

About this Ceremony

In this time of transition from darkness to light, we come together as a family to Imbolc, a Celtic festival of hope and light. Slowly we shed our winter fur, cleansing ourselves of the dark energies of cold and winter and slowly awakening to the light of our deepest dreams. We will delve into a deep dream space to unite our lights as connected beings with our very own visions. Supported by the strong, gentle medicine of Mama Cacao and the magic of Amanita Muscaria (optional!!!), we enter into a process of deep shamanic drumming meditation that takes us inward to open ourselves to the outside with our voice and prayer. Together we sit, dream, sing, move, laugh and cry, creating a state of powerful light full of support and love. The ceremony is held at the Bäumli Saal in Winterthur.

About Ceremonial Cacao
Ceremonial Cacao is a medicine that awakens your senses and connects you deeply to your heart, shifting into a higher frequency of unconditional love. This beautiful plant guides us in our healing journey to deeply connect to your true essence and others around you. Cacao works gentle on your body, mind and heart, rebalancing your energies to restore the body to its natural state.

About Amanita Muscaria (**optional additional intake**)
There is a lot of misinformation about Amanita Muscaria, also known as fly agaric. Its cap contains the psychoactive substances ibotenic acid, muscarine and musicomol. The latter causes the expansion of consciousness, which is usually referred to as psychotropic.In our culture, the fly agaric is largely considered poisonous. This is due to the intolerance of the ibotenic acid in the fresh mushroom, which largely decarboxylates into muscimol when dried. However, no one can be proven to have died from him. Its use for intoxicating purposes is traditional. It is said to have been used for religious rituals in ancient times (Muraresku). Indigenous tribes around the world have always used it. The Germanic tribes called it “Wotan’s meat,” and the Mayan priests are also said to have used the fly agaric. Siberian shamans have been collecting fly agaric for thousands of years.
In small doses (microdosing), as we are going to use it in this ceremony (option of 3-10 drops of essence), the fly agaric has a driving, opening and disinhibiting effect! In combination with the heart opening Cacao Medicine it helps us to open up to our emotions, to our dreams and visions without inhibitions of the societal filters learned during our lives.

Ayni (Energy Exchange): 55-80 CHF (sliding price depending on personal assessment)

Registration through contact form · eleni.gaggini@zhdk.ch · 0797610464 · https://www.elenilunaoriana.com/ceremony

The ceremony will take place in the Bäumli Saal of the Bäumligemeinschaft at Rychenbergstrasse 179, 8400 Winterthur. By bus to Bäumliweg line 10.

I'm happy to have you!
Eleni Maria Roja

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Voice Medicine Workshop & Song Circle w/ Mama Cacao

Voice Medicine Workshop & Song Circle w/ Mama Cacao

Dear tribe ,

Steven Martin and I are pleased to offer our first joint voice workshop with singing circle accompanied by the wonderful medicinal plant spirit Mama Cacao.

We feel that 2024 will be a year of opening up and showing ourselves in our full being, expressing our very own truth. Opening up and connecting to our voices is a challenge that we will tackle together on this day with various exercises that allow us to experience our voice as our primary healing instrument.

We will explore, among other things, how the voice is connected to the chakras and the breath, working with your individual body.
Therafter will weave our voices and sounds into medicine songs from the Peruvian Andes, the Amazon, our homeland Switzerland and mantras from the Indian context.

About us:
Eleni Maria Roja is an artist and space holder, rooted in Switzerland and learning in Peru, always looking for deep connections in the songs of life. In her art and her rituals she creates spaces where duality can meet unity with help of plant medicine and the innate healing power of the voice. In love with building bridges and weaving together the healing powers of diverse cultures, she sees her role in sharing her passion as empowerment in a time of opening up to the Self and sharing that Self in community.

Steven is a musician and musical educator that has fallen in love with many different musical cultures around the globe. His passion about rhythm and harmony constantly lets him seek new sounds for his own personal growth and as a means of creating a state of connection in group settings.

The Workshop will take place in the heart of Winterthur in the yogamoves studio Schulgasse. Adress is: Schulgasse 3, 8400 Winterthur
The workshop starts at 14:00, you are welcome to arrive between 13:40 and 13:55 so we can start on time.

You are welcome to bring with you:
- a water bottle
- rattle and/or drum if wished
- if you wish, something for the altar

Sign up for your spot through private message or email: eleni.gaggini@zhdk.ch or 0797610464
Ayni (Energy Exchange, "Thank you"): 45 - 60CHF.

We are very happ to recieve you for this ritual!
Mucho amor, Eleni & Steven

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Cacao Ceremony w/ Amanita Muscaria Microdosing

Cacao Ceremony w/ Amanita Muscaria Microdosing

This ceremonial evening is about gathering together as a family with the collective intention to deepen our connection with our inner selves and deepest dreams. We will dive into a deep dream space to truly connect with our innermost visions and soul’s purpose. Supported by the sweet and fierce medicine of Cacao as well as the magic of Amanita Muscaria we go through a process of deep shamanic drum meditation flowing into a state of connection and community. Together we sit, dream, sing, move, laugh and cry, creating a state of empowered vision charged with support and love. The ceremony is held at the Bäumli Saal in Winterthur.

About Ceremonial Cacao:
Ceremonial Cacao is a medicine that awakens your senses and connects you deeply to your heart whilst we dance in celebration, together shifting into a higher frequency of unconditional love. This beautiful plant guides us in our healing journey to deeply connect to your true essence and others around you. Cacao works gentle on your body, mind and heart, rebalancing your energies to restore the body to its natural state. Rose medicine is mildly astringent and supports the emotional heart during times of stress, depression, or overwhelm.

About Amanita Muscaria:
There is a lot of misinformation about Amanita Muscaria, also known as fly agaric. Its cap contains the psychoactive substances ibotenic acid, muscarine and musicomol. The latter causes the expansion of consciousness, which is usually referred to as psychotropic.In our culture, the fly agaric is largely considered poisonous. This is due to the intolerance of the ibotenic acid in the fresh mushroom, which largely decarboxylates into muscimol when dried. However, no one can be proven to have died from him. Its use for intoxicating purposes is traditional. It is said to have been used for religious rituals in ancient times (Muraresku). Indigenous tribes around the world have always used it.
In small doses (microdosing), as we are going to use it in this ceremony (option of 3-10 drops of essence), the fly agaric has a driving, opening and disinhibiting effect! In combination with the heart opening Cacao Medicine it helps us to open up to our emotions, to our dreams and visions without inhibitions of the societal filters learned during our lives.

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Cacao Ceremony · Coming Home to the Heart

Cacao Ceremony · Coming Home to the Heart

This ceremonial evening is about gathering together as a family with the collective intention to come home to the heart. We will dive into our heart spaces to truly connect with our heart’s longing. Supported by the sweet and fierce medicine of Cacao as well as Rose we go through a process of deep shamanic drum meditation flowing into a state of connection and community. Together we sit, sing, move, laugh and cry, creating a bubble of Love charged with support and understanding. The ceremony is held at the Bäumli Saal Winterthur.

Ceremonial Cacao is a medicine that awakens your senses and connects you deeply to your heart whilst we dance in celebration, together shifting into a higher frequency of unconditional love. This beautiful plant guides us in our healing journey to deeply connect to your true essence and others around you. Cacao works gentle on your body, mind and heart, rebalancing your energies to restore the body to its natural state. Rose medicine is mildly astringent and supports the emotional heart during times of stress, depression, or overwhelm.

Energy Exchange: 45-60CHF (sliding price depending on personal assessment)

Registration through contact form · eleni.gaggini@zhdk.ch · 0797610464

The ceremony will take place in the Bäumli Saal of the Bäumligemeinschaft at Rychenbergstrasse 179, 8400 Winterthur. By bus to Bäumliweg line 10.

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Outdoor Cacao Ceremony - Fire Ritual & Heart Songs

Outdoor Cacao Ceremony - Fire Ritual & Heart Songs

Liebe Kakaofreund:in 🌳🌬️

Am Montag 31. Juli um 19:00 lade ich zum Gathering mit Kakao ein. Die Zeremonie findet an einem wunderbaren Ort im Winterthurer Wald statt. Koordinaten werden bei Anmeldung bekannt gegeben.

Zur Feier des Sommers, der Sonne und des Feuers kommen wir als Familie am Feuer zusammen. Gehalten durch die Kraft des Kakaospirits und des Abuelito Fuego, Grossvater Feuers tauchen wir tief ein in unsere Herzenskraft. In den Armen der Bäume, kreieren wir Raum für Verbundenheit und Zelebrierung der Sonnenkraft mit unseren Herzensliedern und im Zusammensein. An diesem Tag ist auch mein Sonnentag, mein Geburtstag, weshalb du herzlich eingeladen bist, nach der Zeremonie noch ein wenig zu verweilen und mit geöffnetem Herz zu feiern.

Zeremonieller Kakao ist eine Medizin, die unsere Sinne erweckt und uns tief mit Ihrem Herzen verbindet. Diese wunderbare Heilpflanze führt uns auf unserer Reise, um uns tief mit unserer Essenz und den anderen Anwesenden Feen zu verbinden.🪶

Anmeldung via direct, https://www.elenilunaoriana.com/ceremony oder eleni.gaggini@zhdk.ch

Energieausgleich: 40-50CHF

Ich freue mich, dich dabei zu haben! 🧚🏼
Eleni Luna

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Outdoor Cacao Ceremony - the word for world is forest

Outdoor Cacao Ceremony - the word for world is forest

Am Sonntag 11. Juni um 17:00 lade ich wieder zum Gathering mit Kakao ein. Diesmal findet die Zeremonie an einem wunderbaren Ort im Winterthurer Wald statt. Koordinaten werden bei Anmeldung bekannt gegeben.

Am späten Sonntag-Nachmittag treten wir zusammen als Familie in den Wald hinein, eine magische Welt, die uns erinnert, woher wir kommen. Gehalten durch die Kraft des Kakaospirits tauchen wir tief ein, bis tief verwurzelt unter die Erde, wo wir uns sicher und geliebt fühlen. Inmitten unserer Wurzeln in den Armen der Bäume liegend, kreieren wir Raum für Verbundenheit und Erinnerung.

Zeremonieller Kakao ist eine Medizin, die unsere Sinne erweckt und uns tief mit Ihrem Herzen verbindet. Diese wunderbare Heilpflanze führt uns auf unserer Reise, um uns tief mit unserer Essenz und den anderen Anwesenden Feen zu verbinden.

Anmeldung via Kontaktformular oder eleni.gaggini@zhdk.ch

Energieausgleich: 40-50CHF

Ich freue mich, dich dabei zu haben! 🧚🏼

Eleni Luna

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Cacao Ceremony - Mama Tierra

Cacao Ceremony - Mama Tierra

Welcome to the Cacao Ceremony on Friday evening May 12 at 19:30!
We come together as a family, held in the womb of our Mother Earth. We sink down until deeply rooted in the earth, where we feel safe and loved. Connected to our roots, we create space for all that is present in you.
Ceremonial cacao is a medicine that awakens our senses and connects us deeply to your heart. Cacao gently works on our body, mind and your heart, rebalancing our energies as our natural state of love.
Energy Exchange: 40-55CHF
eleni.gaggini@zhdk.ch - 0797610464

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Self Love Cacao Ceremony Winterthur @Bäumli Saal

Self Love Cacao Ceremony Winterthur @Bäumli Saal

This ceremonial evening is about gathering together as a family with the collective intention to be in a state of Self Love. Together we sit, sing, move, laugh and cry, creating a bubble of Love charged with support and understanding. The ceremony is held at the Bäumli Saal Winterthur.

Ceremonial Cacao is a medicine that awakens your senses and connects you deeply to your heart whilst we dance in celebration, together shifting into a higher frequency of unconditional love. This beautiful plant guides us in our healing journey to deeply connect to your true essence and others around you. Cacao works gentle on your body, mind and heart, rebalancing your energies to restore the body to its natural state.

Energy Exchange: 40-55CHF (sliding price depending on personal assessment)

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Cacao Ceremony Basel

Cacao Ceremony Basel

This morning ceremony is a community celebration of the new season of spring through meditation in song and movement. We gather in family to unite our intentions in this transformative time.

The ceremony allows to listen to our hearts in a shamanic journey, cleanse our bodies through movement + healing song and unite in community celebration of sacred light. We are supported in our exploration and celebration by the power of Ceremonial Cacao, allowing us to dive into a deeply nourishing + purifying journey.

Ceremonial Cacao is a medicine that awakens your senses and connects you deeply to your heart whilst we dance in celebration, together shifting into a higher frequency of unconditional love. This beautiful plant guides us in our healing journey to deeply connect to your true essence and others around you. Cacao works gentle on your body, mind and heart, rebalancing your energies to restore the body to its natural state.

Energy Exchange: 40-55CHF (sliding price depending on personal assessment of assets)

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